Metropolitan Sasimon Gennadios (Lymouris Nikolaos)
Teaching Associate
- Theological School of the Church of Cyprus
1-7 Isocratous, 1016, Nicosia, Cyprus - Τel.: 00357 22 443055
- Fax: 00357 22443050
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Metropolitan Sasimon Gennadios (Lymouris Nikolaos) teaches Canon Law in the undergraduate program of Theology of the Theological School of the Church of Cyprus. On June 1, 1997, he was ordained Metropolitan Bishop Sassim at the Patriarchal Church of Saint George at Fanari and from November 2007 he was promoted to active Metropolitan with the same title. He graduated from the Theological Institute of Saint Sergio in Paris and completed his postgraduate studies at the University of Strasbourg. He has been awarded a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in America and holds a Ph.D. degree from Strasbourg University in France and Tubingen University in Germany. From 1984 to 1992 he was Professor of Orthodox Canon Law at the Theological School of the University of Strasbourg and from 1990 to 1997 he taught Orthodox and Universal Theology at the St Bernardino Institute of Ecumenical Studies, Venice, and Pontificio Ateneo Antonianum Pontifical University of Rome, Italy. From 1983 to 1990 he taught Orthodox Canon Law at the Institute of Canon Law of the Theological School of Strasbourg, France. He has also served as visiting Professor at various Universities in America, Europe, Africa and Asia. He is the Vice-President of the Central and Executive Committee of the World Council of Churches, Co-President of the International Theological Dialogue of the Orthodox and Lutheran churches, a member of the International Theological Dialogue of the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, as well as President of the Theological Dialogues of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Methodists, Baptists and Pentecostals. He is also a member of various theological societies in Europe and represents the Ecumenical Patriarchate in various missions. He wrote more than four hundred theological studies, books, articles and works in various Greek and foreign journals on Orthodox Theology and universal content, in various languages.
In 2010 he was awarded the title of Honorary Doctor (Honoris Causa) of Orthodox Theology from the Orthodox School of the Holy Cross, Boston, USA and in 2015 from the Faculty of Theology of the National University of Athens.
He has been awarded with ecclesiastical and state distinctions. He speaks Greek, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian.
Doctoral Diploma (Habilitation), Theological Roman Catholic School, State University of Strasbourg, France and Theological School of the University of Tubingen, Germany, 1983
Diploma in Canon Law, Institute of Canon Law, Strasbourg State University, France, 1983
Postgraduate Diploma in Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, University of Strasbourg, France, 1982
Diploma in Orthodox Theology (Bachelors), Theological Institute of Saint Sergio Paris, 1980
Selected Publications:
2018/19 «Η Εκκοσμίκευση στην Κοινωνία και στην Εκκλησία, μια ασθένεια της σύγχρονης εποχής μας. Σκέψεις, προκλήσεις και συλλογισμοί». Απόστολος Βαρνάβας της Εκκλησίας Κύπρου, Επετειακός τόμος (2018), σσ. 11.
2018 «Ο Θεολογικός Διάλογος Ορθοδοξίας και Λουθηρανισμού: Συμφωνίες και Διαφορές σε εξέλιξη». Ορθόδοξος Ακαδημία Κρήτης, Διακονία – Διάλογος – Καταλλαγή, Επετειακός Τόμος 50 Ετών, σσ.81-91.
2018 «La Chiesa Ortodossa: Partecipazione e Consiglio Ecumenico delle Chiese a Settant’ Anni della sua Fondazione». Rivista «StudiEcumenici», vol. 1-2 (2018), σσ. 101-113.
2018 «The Canonical Status of The Ecumenical Patriarch in The Canonical Order of The Orthodox Church; Nature and Extension of its Authority». Bartholomew in Canada Twenty years celebration, Toronto, Canada, σσ. 71-93.
2018 «The place and the role of the Holy Bible in secularized world: Reflections and thoughts», International Conference of Dialogue between The Orthodox Church, The Oriental Orthodox Churches and The United Bible Societies, Armenia, 26thSept. – 1st Oct. 2018, σσ. 10.
2017 «Χρυσοστομικά Παραλειπόμενα επί των περί Ιεροσύνης λόγων», Επιστημονική επετηρίδα Πατριαρχικής Ανώτατης Εκκλησιαστικής Ακαδημίας Κρήτης, Τόμος Ε’, σσ. 143-153.