
1st Semester

Course Code & Course Title / ECTS
APC 510 Current Issues of Developmental Psychology (C)  7.5
APC 511 The Principles of the Orthodox Theology (C) 7.5
APC 512 Research Methodology and Ethics (C)  7.5
APC 513 Development of Counselling Skills (C)  7.5
Total: 30

2nd Semester

APC 514 Counselling for Children and Adolescents (C) 7.5
APC 515 Applied Pastoral and Social Ministry (E*)  7.5
APC 516 Research Study (E*) 7.5
APC 517 Management of Non-Profit Organisations (E) 7.5
APC 518 Statistics (E) 7.5
APC 520 Practicum (C) 7.5
Total: 30

3rd Semester

Course Code & Course Title / ECTS
APC 620 Dissertation (C) 15
APC 616 Juvenile Delinquency (C)  7.5
APC 614 Counselling of Families and Elderly (E**) 7.5
APC 617 Seminars (E**) 7.5
Total: 30

Special issues of Applied Psychology in Education – (Out of nine seminars, the six most popular with students will be offered. Each seminar has a duration of two 3-hour long meetings)

  1. Development of spirituality in Children and Adolescents in relation to mental health
  2. Mentorship in School
  3. Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health.
  4. Educational Prevention – Intervention Programmes
  5. Literacy, what should teachers know
  6. Gender Issues in school
  7. Self-esteem development in children and adolescents
  8. Intercultural Skills
  9. Theology vs Psychology
  10. Other current issues

4th Semester

Course Code & Course Title / ECTS
APC 621 Dissertation (C) 15
APC 610 Individual Differences and Deviations (C) 7.5
APC 618 Seminars (C) 7.5
Total: 30

Special Issues of Applied Psychology in the Community- (Out of nine seminars, the six most popular with students will be offered. Each seminar has a duration of two 3-hour long meetings)

  1. Anger Management
  2. Abuse Counselling
  3. Loss-moaning management
  4. Development of the Skill of Clinical Understanding
  5. Family in Crisis or a Mutating institution.
  6. Counselling of Patients and their Relatives
  7. Parenting Skills
  8. Self /Suicidal Ideation
  9. Anorexia – Bulimia
  10. Other Contemporary Issues

The courses are three (3) hours weekly and are allocated to the program as “Compulsory Courses” with the designation (C) and as “Elective Courses” with the designation (E).

The language of the program is Greek

*Those students who will be specializing in ecclesiastical parish service will have to choose from the offered selected courses of the 2nd semester: APC 515 Applied Pastoral and Social Care and APC 517 Management of Non-profit Organizations. Those students who will specialize in non-profit organizations, charities, municipalities, etc., should choose APC 517 Management of Non-profit Organizations course and accordingly one of the two other courses. Those who will pursue an academic or research career should choose the APC 516 Research Study and APC 518 Statistics. Teachers and trainers can freely choose 2 courses of the 4 depending on their preferences and the advice of their academic advisor.

** Teachers and trainers should choose APC 617 Seminars – Special Issues of Applied Psychology in Education. Those who work in ecclesiastical parishes or organizations should choose the APC 614 Counselling of Families and Elderly.