Selection criteria for outgoing students of TSCC
- Students who wish to participate in Erasmus+ Program, have to be enrolled at TSCC
- Students must not have financial obligations
- First and last year students are not eligible to participate in the program.
- Students should have discussed the opportunity for mobility through Erasmus+ program with their supervisor and have his/her approval
- Students who have already participated in Erasmus+ program and the duration of their mobility was 12 months, are not allowed to receive an extra Erasmus grant
- Students with special needs have the right to apply for mobility for studies or traineeship, based on program provisions
The Erasmus committee will take into account the following:
- The academic performance of the student. The students should have passed all their lessons.
- Learning abilities of the student and his / her proficiency in the teaching language of the host university
- The ethos and the decent behavior of the student
- The competence and readiness of the student to stay in a foreign country
- Students with reduced financial resources will have priority
- Students’ choices for Universities. Priority will be given to students who are applying for Erasmus at another country other than their origin. Students will not be allow to study at their home town.
Selection criteria for outgoing academic staff of TSCC
- Academics should have a full-time employment in TSCC
- Academics should not have participated before in the Erasmus+ mobility program. When a chance of participation is given to all academics, a new round of selection may begin
- Mobility should take place in a period that will not affect TSCC ’s important activities (e.g. exam period, graduation, annual conference of TSCC etc.)
- Academics should have discussed the Erasmus’ opportunity with the Dean and have his/her approval
The Erasmus committee will take into consideration the following:
- The prospects for cooperation, partnership and research with the Receiving Institution
- The academic rank. Priority will be given to junior academics, so that mobility can help their continuous professional development.
Selection criteria of outgoing administrative staff of TSCC
- The administrative staff should have a full-time employment in TSCC
- The administrative staff should not have participated before in the Erasmus+ mobility program. When a chance of participation is given to all administrators, a new round of selection may begin
- Mobility should take place in a period that will not affect TSCC ’s important activities (e.g .exam period, graduation, annual conference of TSCC etc.)
- The administrative staff should have discussed the opportunity for mobility through Erasmus+ program with the Director of TSCC and have his/her approval
The Erasmus committee will take into consideration the following:
- The training needs of administrative staff
- The administrative staff proficiency in the language used in the host university
- The willingness of Receiving Institution to assist to administrative staff’s training