Under certain conditions, students are entitled to a full or partial scholarship or financial assistance (Scholarship applications are submitted to the Student Admissions Officer).
Byzantine Music Scholarships
Those students participating in the School’s Byzantine Choir are eligible for Music scholarships, the amount of which to be determined by the Scholarship Committee, according to the report submitted by the Choir Director. The participation and performance of the student in the Byzantine Choir are taken into account when awarding the scholarship.
Obligations of students receiving a scholarship or financial support
According to the School’s Regulations, students who receive a scholarship or financial support have the minimum obligation to represent the School in official celebrations, church events, parades etc, upon request.
Contact Information
Theological School of the Church of Cyprus
Address: Isokratous 1-7, 1016, Nicosia, Cyprus
Telephone: +357 22443055 / Fax: +357 22443050
Address: admissions@theo.ac.cy