Christina Hadjiafxenti
- Theological School of the Church of Cyprus1-7 Isocratous, 1016, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Τel: 22443055
- Fax: 22443050
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Dr Christina Hadjiafxenti is since 2020 Teaching associate at the Theological School of the Church of Cyprus, specializing in the field of Byzantine Literature. Previously serving as a teaching associate at the Department of Byzantine Philology at the University of Cyprus during the winter semester of 2022-23 and the spring semester of 2023-24, she concurrently contributed as a research assistant to two significant projects. These include “ThaumArt: The Art of Miracle Story Collections” (January 2020-July 2021) and “Links of a Golden Chain: A Cultural History of the Late Byzantine Aristocracy (1261-1460)” (September-November 2021 and July-August 2022) at the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Philology, as well as the Department of History and Archaeology at the University of Cyprus. She worked also in the research project of the Open University of Cyprus “Byzart: Byzantine Art and Archaeology on Europeana” (September 2018- April 2019) and she had a postdoc-scholarship at the Leibniz-Institute for European History in Mainz in Germany and Leibniz-WissenschaftCampus Mainz “Byzantium between Orient and Occident” (Subject of the research project: The reception of Byzantium in the Church historiography of the 19th century. A comparison between German and Greek sources) (2015-2017). In 2017 she had also a fellowship at the Georg-Eckert-Institute for International Textbook Research in Braunschweig, Germany. She participated in many conferences and workshops in Germany and other European countries and was teaching assistant for many semesters at the University of Leipzig in Germany.
October 2011 to July 2015
PhD in Byzantine Philology University of Leipzig
Subject of the dissertation: “The Saints’ Encomia of Nicolaos Cabasilas. Critical Edition and Translation”
October 2009 to August 2011 MA Classical Philology
University of Leipzig Grade: 1.1 (German Grading system, equivalent to “excellent”)
September 2005 to June 2009 BA Classical Studies, University of Cyprus
Palaeography, Text critical edition, Late Byzantine period, Hagiography, Hesychasmus,
Perception of the Byzantine history and literature in the 19th and 20th centuries
Selected Publications:
- Hadjiafxenti Chr., “Byzantium in Greek Church Historiography of the 19th Century: Between German Protestant Influence and Greek Orthodox Confession”, in: Alshanskaya A., Gietzen A., Hadjiafxenti Chr. (eds), Imagining Byzantium – Perceptions, Patterns and Problems, Mainz 2018, 77-84.
- Hadjiafxenti Chr., “Das Byzanz-Bild von Anastasios Diomedes Kyriakos: Protestantischer Einfluss in griechischen Schulbüchern?”, Journal of Educational Media, Memory and Society 2 (2019) 66-85.
- Hadjiafxenti Chr., «Das theologische Werk des Filaretos Vafeidis: Plagiat oder kritische Umgang mit deutschen Vorbildern?», Οrthodoxes Forum 34 (2020) 9-26.
- Hadjiafxenti Chr., Die Heiligenenkomien des Nikolaos Kabasilas. Einleitung und Κritische Edition (De Gruyter: Byzantinisches Archiv), Vol. 40, Berlin 2021.
- Hadjiafxenti Chr., “Searching for Byzantium in the German church history school books of the 19th century”, in: Religious Exchange and Identities in Europe. Byzantium, the Latin West and the Slavic World, (forthcoming Μainz 2024).
- HadjiafxentiChr., “Mεταξύ Ανατολής και Δύσης. Κυπριακή Γραμματεία επί Φράγκων”, Χρονικό 27 (September2018) 3-22.