Language policy – outgoing students

Each prospective outgoing student has to submit an official proof of knowledge of the language taught or being used at the host institution and fulfil its linguistic requirements so that his/her application can be finalised by the RIRO. RIRO encourages candidate outgoing students to use the Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support (OLS) platform, to strengthen their language skills.

TSCC supports the study of foreign languages. The Program of Study includes obligatory courses of foreign languages; which students have to attend in order to improve their linguistic skills. Two different modules exist: English and French for Theological study purposes (upon choice). Students in Cyprus have the opportunity to start learning English, from an early age, at Primary Education level, and French from the age of Secondary Education. The goal for the linguistic skills acquired at T.S.C.C. is to give students the possibility to communicate in one of the above foreign languages, without difficulty, and to be able to conduct relevant bibliographic research.

It is worth noting that students in Cyprus have the opportunity to start learning English from a young age, specifically at the level of First-level Education (Primary school). Courses in French take place during their studies at Second-level Education (Junior High-school – High-School).

Applications Deadline

For the Fall Semester: July 1st.

For the Spring Semester: December 1st.